Sunday, 5 October 2014
We naturally want to buy costly items at a low price possible. We look for such a way. Then it is the best way that we can buy costly items at the lowest price in auctions. And what is surprising..! we pay only 23% of the actual price if the auction goes high. That means, we get 77% discount, if we did not win it at low price.
Monday, 15 September 2014
SFI.. the only marketing website that slowly but surely brings you wealth
Friday, 12 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014 is the only ecommerce website of SFI where you can not only buy but also earn unlimited income
Sunday, 7 September 2014
There is a couple who do not have children for many years. At last very lately, after crossing their middle age, a son was born.
They are so happy so happy that they celebrated that great day as a religious festival. But among the guests, one guy revealed a truth that the parents will become old by the time the boy grew up, become major and come to help his parents.
It is true for all but a bitter one for his middle aged parents. Then they wished their boy grow fast in other words instantly and become major.
Is it possible..?? NEVER. The only choice is they must wait till the time comes.
In the same way, when you plant a tiny Mango plant or any other, it will never give you its fruit the very night and day. It takes its time and we must wait to enjoy its sweet fruit.
Thinking that it takes a lot of time, if you do not plant it today, can you expect any fruit even at the time it has to bring you..!!?? NEVER.
If all parents including mine had thought giving birth to a tiny baby is merely a wasteful and useless thing, where can we find ourselves and this uncontrolled population today..!!??
If they had thought feeding their infants is a waste of money, how could we grow and become strong..!!??
This is the very way you grow yourself and your business in SFI.
So, don't be in hurry. Never neglect to do your actions to grow your money bearing plant. There is a day you start enjoying the real, plenty and sweet fruit forver.. and ever..
Blog :
Let us meet again.
Think Wise.
Adwaitam - Invisible but spread wide even today - must watch..must change
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Google for work

Google Apps is a cloud-based productivity suite that helps teams communicate, collaborate and get things done from anywhere and on any device. It's simple to set up, use and manage, so your business can focus on what really matters.
Millions of organizations around the world count on Google Apps for professional email, file storage, video meetings, online calendars, document editing and more.
Watch a video or find out more here.
Here are some highlights:
Business email for your domainLooking professional matters, and that means communicating as Gmail’s simple, powerful features help you build your brand while getting more done.
Access from any location or deviceCheck email, share files, edit documents, hold video meetings and more whether you’re at work, at home or in transit. You can pick up where you left off from a computer, tablet or phone.
Enterprise-level management toolsRobust admin settings give you total command over users, devices, security and more. Your data always belongs to you, and it goes with you if you switch solutions.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
What does the increase of our years mean..?
Good day.
What does the increase of our years mean..?
We celebrate our every birth day enthusiastically inviting all our relatives and friends. They quite naturally wish us, MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY in other meaning we live long.Then we enjoy feeling a lot that our life is growing on and on.
But is it true that our life is growing? NO. In contrary, our life is decreasing. In fact the count down of our life started the very second we were landed on the earth. That means, when we completed the cycle of a day... we lost it forever and decreased one day from our unwarranted life span.
Then one can say we physically grow. But it is also quite natural thing. Our physic grows up to its full length even if we don't care it. We have nothing to do with our decreasing life and physical growth.
Then what is our part to do?
Well.. our part is to lead as much comfortable, happy and joyful life as possible.Then does the comfort and joyful life come by itself..?
No. We have to make it. Fortunately, our life is almost completely in our hands.Then what should we do..? What do we need for..?
The first and most important thing which all we know very very well is MONEY that we need to lead a happy and joyful life without any tension. That means we have to earn money. For that, we have to do work whatever we like and can do. And without money, in this present human society, there is almost no life, no comfort, no joy.There are many ways to earn money which we can divide into three main groups.
1. Farming2. Job3. Business
After obtaining minimum educational qualification, in case of the most of us, we choose our choice that we can do to earn money. If you are from a farming family.. you may naturally choose to go through the same traditional way which is always essential as there is no farming, there is no food.
But in many cases, parents don't want their children do odd and hard work life themselves. They want their children live an easy, comfortable and happy life. That is why they spend a lot of money to educate them so that they can do any job to build their happy life.
If you are in the same way, well and good. But, as the technology increases, the life style changes and new ways of earing money are also increasing. Most of them are related to business in different forms and stages.
One of them, which now-a-days, a majority number of people are extremely tempted and fascinated is ONLINE BUSINESS or JOB WORD.
Because it has its many advantages. They need not go to office or the place of work and that to far in many cases. They need not become subordinated anybody under whose control and command they have to work in most cases bending their heads in front of their bosses. And there are no any rules and regulations, timings etc. that make us hurry bury, highly tensioned and frustrated.
Instead, we can simply sit at our own home and do work as we like and decided. And for that we simply need only two things, COMPUTER and INTERNET. Now a days, less homes are there where we can't find COMPUTER and NETWORK.
All is set and we are quite ready to start our work but the ACTUAL PROBLEM STARTS HERE ITSELF.
Where do we find a job or business in the VAST NET JUNGLE..? That that too where there are countless number of fake and cheating websites..?
In fact it is millions of question. Very true that more than 90% of website or so called companies or fake and merely targeted to cheat people as it is perhaps, the easiest way for them to earn a lot of money. They want to earn lakhs, even crores of money and that too within very short time before their actual faces come out into light.And, you see they succeed almost all the time. Then what is their secret and strength for being able to cheat people that easily..??
Answer is very simple.. We are also wanting to earn a lot of money within no time. We have no patience to wait for the right time and right way. And they are taking advantage of our this LOOSE POINT and offers attractive packages and so for a very less time and a very very little fee.
So, we are blindly and immediately calculating their offering income and our paying fee and immediately decided to pay and do that. That is all. Our eyes open only after getting our heads completely bald.
Then what is the solution to be aware of that kind of cheating sites and to find genuine ones..?
That is a right question one must ask. The first thing we have to learn and realize that there is NO ANY SHORT CUT WAY to earn a great sum of money quickly. Genuine websites never promise you that you will become rich within one day and night. They offer gradual growth with them assuring you that your growth is in our hands, dedication and commitment. On the other hand, they don't ask you to pay any money as fee because they know when you are seeking an online job works or business to earn your living, how can you afford money to give them?So, when you are going to search for a genuine opportunity online, keep these things in your mind and go through the offer to understand whether it is genuine or fake. If there is any indication telling you that you will earn Rs.500/- per day saying that it is guaranteed, even giving some false evidence which you will feel to be sure, pause just a moment and think properly.
One of the few ways to find out real sites is, to ask your well known friends and people and your well wishers.
If you believe that this article writer is a genuine person and your well wisher, you can contact without any hesitation to know about a good opportunity that may make you earn even hundreds of dollars in your near future.
Let us meet again.
All the best.
Think Wise.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
What kind of business we like?
Good morning.
It is after a few days talking to you all. Sorry but I was busy and somewhat in frustration thinking about what kind of business is safe, sound, more profitable and that too without any investment.
What kind of business do we like to do?
I have two friends Karan and Karthik who want to start business. They are educated and doing their small or bigger jobs which they wanted to discontinue as they got vexed with their bosses daily shunting them even for no mistake. They do hard word still they have to face bitter situations with their bosses. On the other hand they don't want to servants for the sake of their monthly salaries and want to earn their own.So, the solution is own business.
Karan started his fruit selling business. Daily he goes to orchards and whole sale markets, buys the fruits, brings to his place, sells them and gains his profits. It is his daily work to wake up early, go out searching for orchards, or go to whole sales markets as usual.
Karan also advised Karthik to do business like him as it is easy and profitable.
But Karthik thought differently. He was not in a hurry to make instant money and he don't want to invest his money again and again to do his business. He wanted to start that kind of business in which the capital investment is needed only for one time but the profits will continuously be coming as long as he wishes to gain. Then he got a good idea.
Karthik has a piece of crop land. He planted different kinds of fruit bearing plants such as mango, orange with the help of agricultural officers.
When Karan came to know this, he laughed at Karthik telling that he was doing a made adventure by wasting a good amount investing in the farm. He particularly pointed how many years he has to wait for the trees to start bearing fruits but Karthik was firm and stable on his decision. He is in fact a keen observer of things and has very good sense.
All this happened just five years ago and now Karthik is selling his fruits in whole at reliable and friendly rates and number of retailers became his daily customers of whom, one is his friend Karan.
Five years ago, Karan started DOING BUSINESS and Karthik started FARMING BUSINESS.
Which one do you like...!?
I liked the second one which Karthik liked but not in the same way. I thought in another way and a little more deeply that I don't want to go to farm or anywhere and like to simply sit at home and want to do that kind of business which brings unlimited profits.And see..., I did not want to invest my money even for the first time. I wanted an opportunity where even a single rupee is not needed to start my business. You must thinking about how crazy and perhaps foolish to think that way but I did it and am doing it now.
Using my knowledge gained through my education, I am doing my business just simply relaxing at home and working as and when I like. For this I needed only two things. MY COMPUTER and UNLIMITED SPEED NETWORK. That is all.
Would like to just check it what my business is....!? You are most welcome to get confirmed.
Let us meet again..
Think wise.
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Is there any short cut to become rich...(Part-2)
Dear all
welcome back.
We are discussing about if there is any short cut to become rich immediately and being attracted to those false websites cheating us taking advantage of eagerness to become instantly rich.
Let me recall an incident which I experienced recently.
I was then traveling by train. A good and educated looking man in front of my seat introduced himself to me and asked what I am doing. I told him I am an 'Affiliate' and doing online business. He asked me what is the meaning of an 'Affiliate'. I told him that a person or an organization who joins number of people to promote product sales on a commission basis.
He asked me how much I invested and the profit I am earning. I told him it is completely FREE to join and the business is also very easy for even a minimum educated person. I also told him that it is not that kind of 'get rich in one night' business informing that it takes some time to receive a remarkable income. I also added that there is a bright future in our marketing website inviting him to join my team.
He gave a good laugh and asked me how foolish I were to choose such a business which will not yield a good and instant income. he also supported his arguments telling how important to earn money now-a-days to meet the constantly increasing of all essential things.
I agree with him telling that we must have patience and confidence to achieve our goal.
But he outnumbered my points adding that I have been doing a wasteful business which has no capacity to provide an instant and a huge income.
he said,''What is the use of becoming a member of this organization which can't provide you a huge and instant money!...I don't like this kind of business. The world, particularly, the online business world is infested with these kinds useless companies and jobs."
I tried hard to pacify him by telling that it may not provide income then and there but it is the best company I know as on date that helps a lot build one's bright future. But he refused to accept my arguments.
By the time, his wife brought their little baby into his laps.
I changed the topic and commented the baby is so sweet. He felt so happy and pride telling that they waited for a long time for children and at last they were blessed with that beautiful and lovely son.
I heartily congratulated him but asked him what is the use of having a baby. Then he immediately reacted asking,
"Why, he is my own son."
"Yes, he is your own son, but what will you get from this tiny baby. Nothing useful with him now."
Then he said again,"Oh, I don't understand what are you talking.. I will bring him up feeding well, educate well and one day he will become an officer or an engineer and look after us..!?"
"For that how long it will take..?"
"Why, it will take just twenty years..!?"
"That means should you wait twenty years for him to become useful..?"
"Yes, how innocently you are talking my friend..!"
Then I reply him this...
"In the same way, our SFI company is... you have to wait for 20 years to make this baby useful. And for that you have to spend a lot of money for his feeding, clothing, education and so all those years. But you need not wait for that long period to become wealthy by doing your own business in SFI. There are of plenty chances to grow your business faster and faster... on the other hand you need not spend a lot of money to gain high profits. By acting wisely, you can reach your own set goal within less time too. For that you just need patience, determination and a little bit hard work."
I completed my words telling that SFI is a little child when he joined but he gradually grows the child to a fully grown young and strong man...And that is why it is called "STRONG FUTURE INTERNATIONAL".
Click on :
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08819 273456
Let us meet again..
Think wise...
Are you selling your product(s) online? Just a moment. The best place to sell your products or things is which not only provides you unlimited chances without any fee. On the other hand why should you lose your other benefits on selling in which you do not get from any other online seller?
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Online teacher for X - Students (Even VIII AND IX students can contact
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Monday, 18 August 2014
Sunday, 17 August 2014
The selected items that most people wanted from SFI

Friday, 15 August 2014
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Monday, 11 August 2014
How to earn money without spending any penny..?
Good morning to one and all.
Welcome back. I was away from my blog these days as I am busy with my business started recently. In fact I am going to discuss on this very matter with you today. I hope it will be very helpful to you if you are looking for earning money.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
How to earn money online - How to find out fake or cheating sites
Wecome back
Previously we discussed on the same matter of doing free online offline job works to earn honestly without spending money.
Here I am going to bring another website which can lead you to earn money without paying any money. On the other hand, we will have your own website for online marketing, blogging, chatting with your friends and so on. Perhaps you don't know all these things lead you to earn a good amount of money that too continuously.
What qualities should I have?
I think you have common knowledge of emailing, browsing internet and can understand general English knowledge. Alongwith, you should particularly keep your patience up and try to spend more time online. Actually this is a most important quality which helps you to increase your earnings.
One more thing.. if you can spend your desired money to buy anything, it will be very advantage for you to instantly increase your earning chances. How..?
Then what is next?
Now we are coming to the point. Not much before, we used to depend on the traditional markets to buy whatever we want to buy. For this we had to spare a day or at least half a day to town and get it. On the other hand it used to be more expensive.
But today, thanks to the computer technology and internet facility at each every corner of even remote villages, we simply open webstie search for a good online vender, choose our article or thing and order it just by a single click. That is all. The goods are delivered at our door step. Net banking, debit and credit cards made it extremely easy that the good are delivered.
OK.. I understand but what is the link between online shopping through online seller websites and the matter we are discussing here on earning our own money..?
Well, this is the question worth thousands of dollars. Did you ever think of any website letting you earn money while selling all kinds of goods..?
There is an online seller who gives this opportunity associated with another website which you can own for completely free. I found this is a good site that sells almost all kinds of goods at a reasonable rates compared to others. It also provides discount for those who have their free registered account with it.
And this is the website address :
Clicking on this link takes you directly to the web and hope you can understand everything I told you easily. in case any confusion, you can approach me asking your questions through the comments link and will sure guide you.
Let us meet again with some more things.
Think wise.
How to earn money online without paying any fee?
Monday, 4 August 2014
Welcome back
How to realize whether an online job providing website is genuine or false?
We are discussing about the fraud countless websites that trap people into their nets.
More than two weeks now, I came to know a website with the title which opens with an impressive narration by its owner Mr. Pritam Nagrel and his wife Priya on the issue of cheating websites asking money to register. They say they are offering free job works never asking any single rupee in any form. It is true and acceptable.
Then what they are asking in return?
They are asking to publish their web blog in at least three social net works such face book, twitter and google+. And then they offer a FREE PACK which to start job works instantly.
Here, publishing their web blog through others accounts is not a wrong thing at all. But it is the second one offering their FREE PACK that matters. Naturally almost all people feel good and do as he asked them to do. Then is he really going to send the freepack to you? NO...NOT AT ALL..
The trick is that he makes you feel hurry telling that the free offer is for only today the next day. Then you have to pay Rs.999/- so hurry up and do it today itself. He will ask you to email him informing that you have shared his website through your account. Then he will check and send the freepack.
I myself did the same and it is more than two weeks that never received any pack or at least reply to my email. But again and again I am receiving the same emails from his another email id with the same offering telling that today is lost data.
Then only I realized he is another kind of fradster to make his own earnings with the help of others.
Of course you can call him a better fraudster than those who ask registration fee.
Check yourself opening his web blog and realize what I said if you would like.
There is a website which never wants you to pay any fee and the registration is also very easy and takes five minutes. Immediately after registering, you will get $3/- as a free gist from them.
But please don't think that this website makes you rich very fast. your earnings depend on your hard work, patience and a good number of your friend circles.
Click on this link : if you would like to register and go on.
Let us continue this discussion with more details and information next time.
Have a nice day.
Think wise.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Why Deadly Ebola Virus Is Likely to Hit the U.S. But Not Spread
Do you hear the work "Ebola" before..? It is the name of the worst breakout of the virus which resembles to the tropical disease like dengue and born in and rages across the West Africa. American are in a great dilemma as there are chances the virus may cross their vast land. It is one of the deadliest ever seen having the capacity to kill 90% of the effected people producing high fever leaving no chance to be cured.
The whole world focuses its attention on it.
Is it not a latest and live example the humans increase their knowledge but not wisdom..?
Let us discuss this matter next time.
Think wise.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
Let us think
Why human struggles for his living?
While all other creatures live their way of happy life, why should human struggle a hard to make his life happy and tension free..?Answer is simple. It is human but not all the rest that need money to make a comfortable living. Humans had once been so happy and so joyful when they quite naturally invented and as long as followed the barter system to fulfill their necessities.
But it is then he dragged himself out of his contented life into struggle when he invented coin system as the means of exchange in his selling and buying goods and greedily fell in love with and to earn it a lot. And his civilization, colonization, industrialization, invention played and still have been playing their best own style roles in making him more and more greedy and eager.
Thinking to earn for their daily beard and butter is pure and quite just. Thinking to earn as much money as possible is even not a bad thing. But earning a lot of money within no time and in short cut is a bad thing. Because, as he can't make it at all within one night, he diverts his thoughts searching the easiest ways.
It leads him to find the weak points in others that could effectively help him to trap them. Then turns his thoughts to cunning ones which help him to invent tricks making him the trickster and finally fraudster.
Unfortunately these fraudsters are widespread all over the world and globalization and the information technology became an important and the easiest path for them.
Take a live and ever living example of internet. This tree net bears more sour fruits than sweet ones particularly in its branch of Online and Offline job works to which millions of people all over the world including students, unemployed and even house makers who want to earn their living honestly are quite naturally and effectively attracted to and are being trapped in the nets of countless false websites.
I myself experienced with an website looking to be quite good and genuine. Its owner writes so effectively taking and talking about the factors of the number of online and offline job providing fraud websites which ask the freelancers are job seekers to pay some amount and the cheat them providing false work. He speaks the factor but he does? Is he a genuine or the same but playing tricks in another way..!?
Let us discuss about him in my next blog.
Think wise..